OxyShred is a highly advanced and extremely powerful thermogenic fat burner that stimulates your body’s fat receptor cells and boosts your metabolism to promote an increased level of fat burning, along with curbing your appetite, limiting calories absorption, boosting immunity, and providing a natural boost of energy.
This scientifically researched fat cell breakdown, known as “Hyper-Lipolysis” is a complex process of efficient subcutaneous fat cell breakdown based on scientific ratios and concentrations of the key ingredients.
Enjoy the energy, get active & feel the burn with the world's #1 thermogenic fat burner trusted by millions of people worldwide.
For optimum results take twice daily - Mix 1 scoop with 10 ounces (295 ml) of chilled water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and on training days, consume 15 minutes prior to exercise.
Avoid eating or consuming a protein shake within 20 minutes after consumption for maximum absorption.
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