Consume approximately 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day through a combination of high protein foods and supplements. For best results, consume your daily protein allotment over several small meals spread evenly throughout the day. TIP: Try using "slower" Gold Standard 100% Casein™ with "faster" proteins like Gold Standard 100% Whey™ or Pro Complex® at different times for maximum effectiveness. Take Gold Standard 100% Casein™ immediately before bed and in between meals when delayed protein delivery is desired. Drink Gold Standard 100% Whey™ or Pro Complex® proteins before and immediately after workouts for a rapid "shot" of amino acids.
Using a shaker cup is the easiest and most convenient way to mix up a consistently great casein shake every time. Just add one heaping scoop of Gold Standard 100% Casein™ to a shaker cup filled with 10-12 oz of your preferred beverage. Cover and shake for 25-30 seconds.
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